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Implementing Web-based Scientific Inquiry in Preservice Science Methods Courses

by Alec M. Bodzin, Lehigh University

This paper describes how the Web-based Inquiry for Learning Science (WBI) instrument was used with preservice elementary and secondary science teachers in science methods courses to enhance their understanding of Web-based scientific inquiry. The WBI instrument is designed to help teachers identify Web-based inquiry activities for learning science and classify those activities along a continuum from learner directed to materials directed for each of the five essential features of inquiry, as described in Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 2000). Implementations of WBI analysis activities in preservice science methods courses are discussed.

The Teacher as Software Developer

by David Whittier, Boston University

The Teacher as Software Developer is the name of a program integrating technology instruction, curriculum, and field experiences in teacher preparation. In an introductory education course for all undergraduate education students, a required technology lab links to a one-day-a-week prepracticum. Preservice students produce a Web site or “software” for their supervising teacher, who is their “client,” and the supervising classroom teacher directs them to authentic curriculum objectives. Preservice teachers learn about software while learning about teaching, lesson planning, curriculum, and technology. Supervising classroom teachers’ gain an opportunity to experience designing and using software with their own students and curriculum and access to the preservice student produced Web sites after the student has completed the lab. Evidence of the program’s success comes from student survey data and student reflections. Despite the program’s productivity, it remains an island of instructional technology.

Using Technology to Teach Content in a Student Teaching Experience (and as a First Year Teacher)

by Cheryl Lemon, Gateway Regional High School

Editor’s Note: Cheryl Lemon received her bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of South Carolina, and in fall 2002 she entered the secondary science teacher intern program in the College of Education at Lehigh University. In the secondary teacher intern program, graduates earn a master’s degree in secondary education and Instructional I certification to […]


Gallery of Exemplary Practices: Use of Technology to Teach Content in a Methods Course

Entries in this category were nominated for innovative use of technology to teach content in a teaching methods course. They received the highest rankings in the peer review by our selection panel.   Implementing Web-Based Scientific Inquiry in Preservice Science Methods Courses Dr. Bodzin uses the Web-based Inquiry for Learning Science (WBI) instrument with preservice […]


Gallery of Exemplary Practices: Use of Technology to Teach Content in an Introductory Technology Course

Entries in this category were nominated for innovative practices related to teaching content with technology in an introductory technology course in a teacher education program. They received the highest rankings in the peer review by our selection panel.   The Teacher as Software Developer The Teacher as Software Developer is the name of a program […]
